On behalf of our Pastor, Rev. Jimmy C. Baldwin Sr. and the entire Shiloh Christian Community Church family, we welcome you!
As you begin your journey at Shiloh CCC, we are so excited about what God will do with and through you here. The New Life Ministry wants to help you as you navigate through your experience with God and this church. That is the blessing of having a church home, you never have to go through new beginnings alone. Just like your family, we are committed to walking with you through every moment in life, the good, bad, and everything in between. Welcome to Shiloh!
At Shiloh, we are serious about winning souls for Christ through salvation. Your spiritual growth is so important to us. We offer Sunday Service each week at 10am and Communion Worship Services are held on the 1st Sunday of each month during morning worship. Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 7pm. (Bible Study is on Summer Break for the months of July and August.)
Our best advice to new members is “Get Involved!” Getting involved in Worship, Bible Study or one of the many ministries we offer can aid you in your decision to follow Christ. Being involved, developing relationships, and learning God’s will for your life are critical as you commit not only to starting this journey, but staying on the journey.
Additional Information:
The best way to learn more about ministry in Shiloh is by attending our New Members Orientation. This class is available on the monthly basis. To register for another class, please complete our I’m New Here form and our New Life Team will schedule with you. These classes are encouraged for all New Members. They are created to help new members acclimate you to Shiloh Christian Community Church.
Many of our ministries only encourage your attendance to monthly meetings or fellowships. However, ministries such as Dance Ministries or the Choir, have some requirements for joining or participating. It is our goal for each member to be involved in the service of the Lord, so our ministries are designed for inclusion, not exclusion.
New Members will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship on the Communion Sunday following the month you joined. In Shiloh, the Right Hand of Fellowship is the practice where we officially welcome you as a new member into our family. It is a Biblical practice found in Galatians 2, where Paul mentions three of Jesus’ disciples offered him the right hand of fellowship, welcoming him to the Christian Church. Please arrive 15 to 20 minutes before the service so you may be seated in the appropriate area. When you arrive, simply let any usher know that you are here for the Right Hand of Fellowship, and they will escort you to the correct area.
Baptism is scheduled on an as needed basis. To schedule your Baptism, please contact the church office or your assigned Deacon for Life.
© 2023 Shiloh Christian Community Church